The rocky up and down has made it tough to decide to stay in or go out of a few of the stocks on the list. However, as usual I am only going to reveal what the buy/sell indicator shows. It has proven to be right in the long haul. The following are all SELL now.
STOCK Recommended price Sell Price Gain/Loss
CONN $33.20 $43.60 +31.33%
TFM $36.54 $36.14 -1.1%
CEO $157.88 $163.23 +3.39%
JCOM $49.85 $45.88 -7.96%
On today's trades the average gain is up 6.415%
As a note to why we would sell when the indicator says to do so when the stock has barely moved or gone down a little. TFM is a good example. I have noticed that when the indicator shows a sell, it is good to do so when looking at the long term horizon. The price usually falls even more and the losses would be more to hold and wait for the correction. So we want to get out asap and when the change occurs then we will have another chance to own it at a better place in the stocks movement.
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